To make it easier to explore the Light World, I have divided it into eight different areas. The Lost Woods and Outer Woodlands consist of the Lost Woods, a water warp, the Lumberjack's house, the Fortune Teller's house, and caves to and from Death Mountain. Kakariko Village is just that: all of the village, including the bottom which has the Library, Chance Game, and a maze. The Desert of Mystery is the area with the Desert Palace and the Sleeping Man; everything left of the Sleeping Man, in other words. Death Mountain has many, many caves and the Tower of Hera. The area of Castle of Hyrule has all of Castle Hyrule, the Graveyard, and the Sanctuary, along with the little woods west of the castle. The Eastern Palace and Vicinity is the whole Zora's falls, a Water Warp, the Eastern Palace, and a Faerie's Spring. The Great Swamp and Environs includes the Haunted Grove (the mysterious Flute Boy), your House, and the Swamp Ruins. Last, but not least, is Lake Hylia and Surrounding Shorelands. This place has the Ice Cave, Item Shop, Faerie's Spring, Fortune Teller's Hut, and the Fountain of Happiness. Within the Lost Woods is the Master Sword, the second sword in the game. This is in an easy-to-find grove in the northwest of the woods, but you need the Three Pendants. The Mushroom is also found in the woods, and is also fairly easy to find. In the Lost Woods, when you find a Den of Thieves, go outside and chop the clump of nine bushes to reveal a hidden hole; this will drop you down to a Heart Container Piece. Near the Lumber- jacks' House, about halfway through the game, Dash into it using the Pegasus Shoes to find a staircase leading to another Piece. In Kakariko Village, in the house southeast of the Weather Vane, is a sick boy, who will lend you his Bug-Catching Net. But you'll need a Bottle, so go straight down from his house to get the Bottle in the top part of the Inn; also buy one from the merchant west of the Weather Vane. In the Library, Dash into the book shelf to drop the Book of Mudora down. In the Dark World, in this area, you will find the Smithy's partner, but you need the Titan's Mitt. Get him and go to the Light World and visit the Smithy, and he will give you Master Sword Level 3. The three Heart Container Pieces are found in the following area: the Thieve's Hideout, west of Sahasrahla'a house (use a Bomb in the cellar); by using a Bomb in a southern house to get ou through another exit, then running a maze; and dropping into the pit in the northwest from above and using a Bomb inside. Also, once you get the flute, play it to the Weather Vane to be able to use it to it's full extent. Once you get the Hammer and Magic Powder, drop into the pit in front of the Smithy's (using the Hammer), go up, and use the Magic Powder on the Jewel to reduce the amount of Magic you use in half (some people might accidently think this is a curse, but it isn't!). The Power Glove can be found in the Desert Palace. This item will allow you to lift any light green stone. In the Dark World, look for an area just outside Misery Mire where you can use your Mirror to teleport to an area near the Monument in the Desert; it will give you the Bombos magic. In the Desert Sanctuary, where the old man Aginah resides, Bomb the bottom wall to find a Heart Container Piece. Another Piece can be found by using the west exit from the Palace and going south. In the Dark World's Misery Mire, go as far up and right that you can go then use the Mirror; under the rock you see is a Heart Container Piece. Death Mountain is perhaps the most challenging area of the Overworld, both the Light and Dark versions. It has many caves; some connecting, some not. Of the four Heart Container Pieces, one can be found by jumping to a cave just below the left Spectacle Rock; another can be found by using one of the two Teleportals on the east part of Death Mountain (see below) so that you're in the Dark World, Dashing into a pile of rocks to find a secret entrance, and crossing an invisible bridge on the right side. Once you come up, use the Mirror. Another is on top of Spectacle Rocks, by using the Mirror from the Dark World to get on top. When you're going through Turtle Rock, you'll cross a short bridge outside just before you find the Big Treasure Chest. Use the Mirror on the right end of the bridge to get to the cave holding the last Piece. Ether Magic is found by using the Master Sword and Book of Mudora at the Monument west of the Tower of Hera. The Moon Pearl can be found by dropping from above in the Tower of Hera, and jsut for getting th Death Mountain, and old man will give you the Magic Mirror. In Castle Hyrule, prior to rescuing Princess Zelda, you'll get the Sword, Shield, and Boomerang. The two Heart Container pieces can be found by Dashing into a pile of rocks west of the Sanctuary, and climbing upto a plateau in the Graveyard of the Dark World and using the Mirror. Once you have the Titan's Mitt, Dash into a gravestone in the Graveyard to uncover a cave holding the Magic Cape. Some very important items are hidden around the Eastern Palace. Upgrade your Shield and Boomeranf by tossing them into the Mysterious Pond (from here on I will refer to this as the "Waterfall of Wishing"), then go to Zora's Falls just next door to buy some Flippers from Zora for 500 rupees, allowing you to swim. After buying these, exit south, and explore the land to find the only heart Container Piece in this area. The Bow can be found in the Palace along with the Pendant of Courage which, when shown to Sahasrahla, will get you the Pegasus Shoes. By giving the Mushroom you found in the Lost Woods to the Witch outside the Magic Shop, youcan come back later to find the Magic Powder next to the Shopkeeper. The Great Swamp is where Link starts his great quest. You should have the Lamp by now, but if not, it's in your house. Two Heart Container Pieces can be found by draining the water from the Swamp Ruins, and using the Mirror in the Dark World just southwest of the Haunted Grove (around a ring of posts). To get the Flute, a necessary item in the game, talk to the boy in the Haunted Grove in the Dark World to get the Shovel. Now dig in the northwest of the Grove in the Light World. Finally, go back to the boy and play him a song. Last, but definitely not least, it Lake Hylia. By using the Mirror in some shallow water in the Dark World (surrounded by rocks), you'll get the only Heart Container Piece in this area. Swimming under the bridge will earn you the third Bottle. In the Ice Cave/Faerie's Spring, Dash into the tree to release the Good Bee, who is more loyal than normal Bees. Bomb to the left of this cave to get to the Icerod. In the middle of the lake is a pond where you can throw in rupees. For every 100, you can increase either your Bomb or Arrow limit, up to a maximum of 50 Bombs and 70 Arrows. West-southwest of this pond is a spot where you can Bomb. In this cave are four mini-Moldorms, which you can beat by walking near the bottom of the holes. Through the door which will open is a thief who will give you 300 rupees. The nine magic Teleportals, connecting the Light World with the Dark World, are in the following areas: at #5 on the Flute Map (have the Hammer) and #6 (need the Titan's Mitt); at an entrance to the Lost Woods (have either the Hammer or the Titan's Mitt); near Spectacle Rocks on Death Mountain; all the way right on Death Mountain (starting with the post on the bottom-right, Hammer them counter-clockwise); across a brige at the bottom of Death Mountain (need the Titan's Mitt); in front of the Fountain of Happiness under a big rock; above the Swamp Ruins (behind some posts); and at the Castle Hyrule gate, once you kill Agahnim. There are six Whirlpool Warps in the Light World, which you can use once you have the Flippers. The one south of the Lumberjack's House connects to southeast Lake Hylia; the Swamp one connects to west of the Magic Shop; and the one south of the Fountain of Happiness leads to the Waterfall. There are many ways to go about the game, but here's how I always start: 1. Go to Kakariko Village, getting info, three Heart Container Pieces, Bombs, two Bottles, and the Net. 2. Get the Mushroom and a Heart Container Piece in the Lost Woods. 3. Get the Heart Container Piece in the Swamp. 4. Recieve 300 rupees from the thief in Lake Hylia. 5. Get the Icerod. 6. Give the Mushroom to the Witch. 7. Complete the Eastern Palace and get the Pegasus Shoes. 8. Get the Magic Powder and the Book Of Mudora. I find this to be a good start. Once I finish the game again, I will write one of these uploads on the Dark World. Until then, goodbye, and look both ways before crossing the street. Good Luck! More great files can be found on my BBS, The Playground!, at (508) 343-9163. Official release point for Apogee, Epic, and Software Creations. Contact me thru Compuserve at 74166,2504 or through Internet at, or in GEnie at E.GAGNE1. This file is copyright (c) 1993 by Kenny Gagne. All rights reserved. Not to be distributed without giving credit.